Sonnenuntergang über Shark's Cove, Oahu, Hawai'i (Quelle: Wikipedia/KenVanVleck


The lightbowl is more than just a decoratve acessoire, there is also a deeper mythological sense with it. The ancient Hawaiians believed that we are not human beings here to have the occasional spiritual experience, but that we are spirit beings here to live the human experience. And they had a very beautiful story which represented this called "The Bowl of Light". Each child, as they were born, would have a bowl carved for them by one of the elders. And it would be given to them at birth, and explained to them as they grew, that this bowl represented them, as their true identities. They were like bowls of shining light. They were 'uhane nui - spirit greatness. And that all humans are spirit greatness, and that we shine from this place. We shine as spirit light.